Teach & Leach

 The  Kardashian Sisters

Teach & Leach celebrity salute to wild, sex crazy, party girls!!!

All throughout history, our society has had a fascination with the countless number of sweet innocent girls, who get a tiny taste of fame and fortune, and then explode into wild, sex crazy, party girls.

In recent years, we remember the Olsen twins, Paris, Nicole, Britney, Tara and of course Lindsey Lohan.

Now with the overwhelming Social Medias, this fascination has reached epic proportions.

The Kardashian Sisters,

Kim, Khloe and Kourtney have taken this fascination into an art form and complete lifestyle. It seems, anywhere you find rich, famous, important men, you will soon see the Kardashian sisters running around half naked, partying with these men, and the cameras’ clicking all around them. They have become world famous celebrities’ for being wild, sex crazy, party girls!!!

They are proud of it and they are making millions $$$ from it. Experts from the Association of Sexual Statistics (ASS) predict that by the year 2015, every successful man in America will have had a sexual encounter with at least 1 of the Kardashian sister. The Hounds are not quite sure about that, but we have found that it is very hard to argue with an ASS.

The Hounds believe that in fact the Kardashian sisters are actually nice and friendly girls, but like many women these days, once the cameras click on, these girls explode into wild, sex crazy,  party girls.

The Kardashian Brother,

With all due respect his famous sisters, the Hounds salute the real Kardashian star…Rob. He captured the hearts of Americans on that famous dancing show, by transforming himself from a shy and awkward kid, into a confident, great performer. Rod Kardashian proved that sometimes hard work and determination still beats bouncy boobs and a big butt.






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